So I went to a girls craft night the other night to make my very first vinyl sign. It was fun, a lot of work but fun. We did a Hallowe’en themed board. Last minute touch was antiquing it with orange paint. i plan on putting a ribbon across the top too. What do you think?

I think that I really should get a cutter machine for Christmas, my birthday or even mother’s day! *hint,hint* I was thinking of the new silhouette cameo that is being released in october:

I am wanting to do more projects that is for sure. Here are a few that I have been eyeing:

That is only a few. There are so many out there. Also I would want to do some vinyl wall decals too. Like these:

That little machine can also cut paper of course and there are tons of projects to do. I have to say I am excited about how it can cut fabric. You can cut flowers for appliques for t-shirts or dresses. Shapes for hair clips. So many thing to do. If only I had the time, the machine and the supplies! One day maybe… Until then more girls craft nights.