So the quilt is done! I made all of my finish goals. I got it done for last saturday to post on IG for the #westwoodacresgiveaway (which I happened to win and won this awesome bundle from Amanda, so excited! You should check out her shop), I got it done before Jason’s birthday and before the VMQG meeting! I was not able to show it there because we ran out of time. That is alright because we were all amazed with seeing all the beautiful and awesome neon cotton couture challenge projects. You can check out the challenge pieces here at the VMQG Flickr group! And of course I got it done before the end of the month for my a Lovely Year of Finishes goal.
Anyhow this quilt was made for my brother. The pattern is found at LRstitched and is called Orbit. This is a Quilt Along pattern from earlier in the year. I really enjoyed making this quilt. The pattern includes an awesome coloring sheet to help with planning, cutting and sewing. I was surprised on how quickly it went together! I quilted this quilt in straight lines.
I used a variety of prints that I collected based on the colors on the center Robert Kaufmann race car print. The solid I used was Kona charcoal. The backing was the IKEA texted print with a strip of leftovers on the side since it wasn’t quite wide enough. I also added a strip to the top and bottom to add a little length for a tall boy.
He is happy with his quilt and is now teasing all my other siblings that he has a quilt and they don’t. (I am the oldest of six kids so I may be making some more sibling quilts) He is an awesome guy who helps my parents, our siblings and me out however he can. I am glad I was able to make him this Thank you quilt and that he is my brother!
linking to Needle and Thread Thursday, Finish it up Friday and A Lovely Year of Finishes