The year I got into quilting…

2012 was the year I caught the quilting bug. I have been busy making and creating. I decided to create a mosaic of the quilts and some of the projects I have made. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed learning how to create each of them. Thanks for coming on this journey with me!


You can look at any of these pictures larger on my Flickr account my user name is makinglifeprettier

I hope to learn even more quilting skills in the new year. I was spoiled and got a new few pieces of fabric for Christmas! Plus I finally have a 1/4 inch foot. I actually feel like a real quilter now, lol.

Happy Sewing!

Christmas Vinyl

This year for Christmas I didn’t really sew that many gifts. I instead made some vinyl signs with my Silhouette Cameo.

I made about eight nativity scenes for family members.


A sign was made for my Mom. Apparently I took a really bad picture of that one. Oops.


Then last minute I made this for my little sister who just turned 12.


Vinyl Love!!!!

Jewelry Pouches

I made a few of these sweet jewelry pouches up for Christmas. They were quick and easy. Although I did not sew the button hole my Mom did it for me since I have not idea how to set up my machine nor the patience to figure it out. One day I will grow up a little more and learn such things.

You can find the tutorial over at the Art Gallery Fabrics blog here. The only thing that I changed was I added a drawstring closure thing so it would close tightly. We were able to find some cute rectangular metal ones. Oh and I also made a little oops and only sewed six pockets instead of eight. That is what happens when you don’t look at the instructions as often as you should!



Linking to finish it up friday at crazy mom quilts

Mug Rugs

I finally made some mug rugs and now I want one for myself!


The first one I make a simple chevron pattern out of some three inch binding scraps just because I couldn’t bear seeing those little beautiful Lilly Belle triangles thrown in the garbage. (It was from my sisters first quilt she made a few weeks ago. It was three inch binding if you are wondering) It was fun so I decided to make another!


This one I decided to try something new! I tried paper foundation piecing. I simplified the pattern a bit and I am so proud of my little birdy! I used this pattern found here.


I also decided to try sewing the binding by machine this time around. It went well and I was glad not to have to hand sew these little projects.

Linking to Finish it up Friday at crazy mom quilts

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