Friday, January 31, 2014

January Goal Completed

I am happy to say that I have made my January goal of cutting out all the pieces for the blocks for Miss L’s On a Whim quilt!!! I actually was even able to complete a block, Yay!


The rest of the pieces are all ready to be pressed and then on the next steps! I am excited to be getting this done for my daughter since she is growing while her current quilt is staying the same size, lol. She is also pretty persistent about asking when will it be finished. I am hoping I will have a completed quilt top soon!


Linking to January: A Lovely Year of Finishes at Fiber of all Sorts


  1. looks like a lot of work, but oh so pretty :-)

  2. It looks so pretty! And good things come to those that wait right!

  3. Looks very promising! Congrats on meeting your goal!

  4. looks great! this is going to be beautiful!

  5. Good job meeting your goal Samantha. I love your first block!


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