Christmas presents revealed….

So as many as you know I was trying my best to give my family home made gifts for Christmas. The only person I didn’t make anything for was my baby girl… Oh well I make her things all the time :)

I made these notepad holders for my sisters-in-law, I must say that this is not my original idea, I was inspired by something I saw on the internet. I truly hope that they find a way to use them in their life…We also stuck a gift card of some sorts in them that hopefully they will share with their husbands!


For two of my brothers. I made them these IPod sleeves. I am really happy with how they turned out! I was inspired by ones I had seen while browsing etsy.


After much thought I came up with something for my most difficult brother to give a gift. I hope that he loves it since I really didn’t ever want to know anything about Magic: The Gathering card game. I made him a bookmark with the five different manas on it.


For my youngest sister I made her a sketchbook/pencil crayon holder. She love to draw so I know that it will be well used. I used this pattern.


For my other sister I made her a make-up brush holder that she asked me for like two years ago.


Next I made something for my Mom. She is a seamstress and love vintage machines. I thought she would find joy in these coasters.


For my Mom and Dad I made them a Blurb book of all of their wedding pictures. If you have never made one you should! It is so much fun!


I enjoyed coming up with the gifts that I made and I am glad that everyone loved them! I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas!

A Transformers Christmas…

So as some of you might know my husband loves Transformers. He thinks they are so cool well cool might not be an accurate word to describe how he feels about them. Since I had been making presents this year I decided that I could make him something with a Transformer theme.

So I came up with some coasters for his desk… 


and a sleeve for his brand new PSP Go…


Both items are made out of felt. I found images off of the internet of the logos that I needed and went from there. I must say that he loved them!

Christmas Projects

I have been pretty busy making Christmas Projects lately. Since they are Christmas gifts I can’t really post them on my blog. That would ruin some surprises. Although I thought I would share a past project.

I have made a few of these advent calendars but only have one to show you since I do not have pictures of the others. This is an advent calendar where you have miniature ornaments in the numbered pockets and hang them on the buttons as you count down the days to Christmas. I am sure that you could put a candy or two in the pockets as well as a treat for the children. 


Anyways I hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far no matter how you are counting down the days!

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